On May 13, Akeso, Inc. (9926.HK) announced that, the Company will be included as a constituent stock of the MSCI China Index, with effect as of market close of May 27, 2021.
Akeso believes that the company’s inclusion into such index of MSCI represents capital market’s recognition of Akeso’s performance and value, which is expected to enhance the reputation and increase the trading liquidity of Akeso, resulting in realization of the value of investment in the company.
In fact, Akeso, Inc. has been widely recognized by the global capital market since listed on HKEx in April, 2020. In August, 2020, Akeso, Inc. was included in Hang Seng Index Components like HSCI and HSHKBI.
On Dec 25, 2020, the Shanghai Stock Exchange and the Shenzhen Stock Exchange issued a notice at the same time on the adjustment of the Southbound Stock Connect, which included Akeso, Inc. into the list of Southbound Stock Connect under the Shanghai-Hong Kong Stock Connect and the Southbound Stock Connect under the Shenzhen-Hong Kong Stock Connect.
Behind being widely approved by the global capital market, is the rapid development of Akeso since its listing.
According to the 2020 annual results, in the aspect of innovative drugs research and development, over 40 clinical trials are in progress around the world in the whole year, among which 9 researches are at registrational or phase III clinical trials, 4 registrational clinical researches have reached key end points.